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Pre-Surgical Authorization Form

We are all concerned with the safety of anesthesia and the surgery that is performed on our pets. In keeping with our commitment to always offer our clients and their pets the best our profession has to offer, and through the advancement in medicine and technology, vie are now able to offer additional safety precautions to our surgical patients with pre-surgical testing. These screening tests are of the same type that would be performed on humans prior to surgery. Pre-emptive pain medication can also be given before your pet wakes up from anesthesia.   This medication will ease the discomfort of the procedure.

We recommend that a small blood sample be taken before surgery.

For pets 0-6 years of age: Screening to assure proper kidney and liver function, assure adequate oxygen carrying capacity, ability to fight infection, and assure there is adequate platelets for blood clotting. In addition, cats of unknown feline leukemia and feline AIDS status should be screened prior to surgery.

For pets 7 years and older: Screening for geriatric patients should include a complete chemical panel (13 separate blood chemistries and evaluation of sodium, potassium, and chloride levels) in addition to a complete blood count to assure adequate oxygen carrying capacity, ability to fight infection, and insure adequate platelets for blood clotting. In short, these tests will give us the broadest overview of the health status of our patients who are more likely to exhibit multiple organ dysfunction and chronic disorders. As with younger cats, older cats should be screened for feline leukemia and feline AIDS.

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY