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Surgery using the CO2 laser

Are you concerned about the discomfort of surgery? We know how you feel, we have pets too. You are scheduling a surgical procedure for your pet, while you know that the procedure needs to be done, you are having second thoughts because of the associated pain and discomfort.

Did you know… most surgical procedures can now be performed with a laser? Yes, the same tool that is used in human medicine has been adapted for use in animals. We have always made great efforts to lessen the discomfort to pets undergoing surgery; and with this new technology, we can do even better. The benefits of Laser Surgery include:

  • Seals nerve endings: Lasers cut tissue with a beam of light, which seals the nerve endings so there is less pain upon awakening.
  • Seals blood vessels: Lasers also seal blood vessels so there is less blood loss during surgery.
  • A “no touch” delivery system: Lasers cut without touching, which eliminates much of the trauma associated with standard techniques.
  • More precise: Lasers allow the surgeon to be able to perform surgery with more precision.
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